Holistic Workplace Assessment


Our holistic workplace assessments are designed to identify potential adjustments or changes that can improve your work environment. Each assessment is tailored to your specific needs, considering your role, responsibilities, conditions, and any challenges you may be facing.

We cover a wide range of conditions, including physical, sensory, neurodiverse, and mental health difficulties. These assessments can be conducted virtually or at your place of work and will pinpoint any necessary adjustments to help you overcome existing barriers.

The information gathered during the assessment will be compiled into a detailed report that includes recommended support options. We are here to support you in creating a more accommodating and inclusive work environment, tailored to your individual needs.

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I was really impressed with how the assessment was structured with questions that made sure I gave the information needed to understand my situation. I truly felt my answers were used to fairly ascertain what assistance I require.
— Shift Cognition Client